Adult Entertainment Law Benjamin, Aaronson, Edinge,Patanzo

Internet Sex Crimes Defense

Since the Internet became part of our everyday lives in the mid-1990’s there has been an evolving set of laws and legal opinions about what constitutes a sex crime on the Web. Because of the universal nature of the World Wide Web, federal, state and international laws become murky and are subject to interpretation by State’s Attorneys who have little tolerance for your First Amendment rights. The Internet has become a favorite place for prosecutors and police detectives to make a career for themselves by setting up illegal sting operations in order to charge law-abiding people with poorly defined crimes such as obscenity, solicitation of a minor and child pornography.

Benjamin & Aaronson Edinger & Patanzo, P.A located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, knows that Internet sex crimes defense is often about protecting your First Amendment rights. Many people charged with Internet sex crimes in the privacy of their own home are not even aware that they are doing anything illegal. At Benjamin & Aaronson, our trial attorneys believe that it is not a crime to be an adult and engage in legal adult activities in America. We are strong protectors of the First Amendment rights of adults to use the legal services provided by adult entertainment businesses on the Internet.

Contact us to schedule an initial consultation about your Internet crime charges.

We have a strong record of representing people charged with Internet crimes such as:

  • Chat room solicitation and illegal police stings
  • Online solicitation of a minor
  • Web business fraud
  • Child pornography
  • Identity theft
  • Prescription drug sales

If you have been charged with a crime, visit our criminal defense website.

Contact us if you have been charged with an Internet sex crime, or think that you may be under investigation for a crime. We have more than 60 years of combined criminal law experience.

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