Adult Entertainment Law Benjamin, Aaronson, Edinge,Patanzo

Censorship Legal Representation

Censorship can be described as any attempt by a controlling group to prevent the public from viewing, reading or hearing information or participating in a specific activity. If a government entity, corporation or religious group has threatened to censure your adult product or materials, your First Amendment rights are being challenged.

The First Amendment protection attorneys at the law firm of Benjamin & Aaronson Edinger & Patanzo, P.A located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, will help you fight to protect your freedom of speech. Our trial attorneys believe that censorship is nothing more than one empowered group working to control thoughts, speech and activities of another individual or group. It is not legal. And it is not right. We are recognized by legal professionals and business owners throughout South Florida for our willingness to fight aggressively to stop censorship, no matter how unpopular we may become with the public. We are not afraid to protect the First Amendment rights of owners and operators of adult entertainment businesses. This is freedom of speech we are talking about. We think that your First Amendment rights are worth protecting. We suspect that you think so, too.

Magazine censorship ▪ Video censorship ▪ Nude dancing censorship

Over the past several years, censorship has become a hot topic. Communities in South Florida concerned with protecting their values have denied licenses and zoning variances to people who want to start or expand an adult entertainment business. In its own way, denying approval of a legal activity, based on a perceived harmful effect, is a form of censorship. We are trial attorneys who know that fighting the thought-police and neighborhood groups requires the trial experience of a serious criminal defense firm. Let us put our courtroom experience to work helping you protect your First Amendment rights.

Contact our offices to schedule a no-cost consultation to discuss ways we can help protect your product from illegal censorship.

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